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Global survey shows rising women’s participation in cooperatives

دو شنبه 9 مارس 2015 — NewsItem, News
An ILO-ICA joint survey reflects gains for women in cooperatives while pointing to the need for better recognition by governments

Women and the World of Work

دو شنبه 9 مارس 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Twenty years have passed since the 4th World Conference on Women adopted a far-reaching roadmap for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment. ILO TV shows how far we've come, and how we can move farther and faster to get to where we want to (...)

مشاوره پيرامون ابتكار ملل متحد: كاسبي در خدمت حكومت قانون

يكشنبه 8 مارس 2015 بوسيله ى سازمان بين‌المللي كارفرمايان — بخشنامه‌ها
اعضاي گرامي و كمپاني‌هاي شريك؛ «ميثاق جهاني ملل متحد» مسؤليت هدايت ابتكار «كاسبي در خدمت حكومت قانونِ» دبيركل ملل متحد را بر عهده گرفته است. هسته مركزي اين ابتكار تدوين چارچوبي براي «كاسبي در خدمت حكومت قانون» است كه هدفش تأمين راهنما و حمايت از چگونگي انجام اقدام‌ داوطلبانه كسبه‌ي سراسر در حمايت از حكومت قانون در عمليات و ارتباطاتش (...)

EU donates over EUR 2 million to increase participation of developing countries in trade negotiations

جمعه 6 مارس 2015
The European Union has pledged an additional EUR 2 million to the WTO Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF) and EUR 100,000 for evaluating the fund.

Azerbaijan accession negotiations need to move beyond routine — Chairman

جمعه 6 مارس 2015
“We have to move beyond routine to conclude Azerbaijan’s accession negotiations”, H.E. Ambassador Walter Lewalter (Germany), Chairman of the Working Party, told WTO members on 6 March 2015. While commending Azerbaijan for the steps taken to bring its trade regime in compliance with WTO rules, he (...)

Women and the future of work: time to change the conversation

جمعه 6 مارس 2015 — Article, Article
In 1995, global leaders met in Beijing to adopt an ambitious roadmap for achieving gender equality in the years to come. Twenty years later, it's clear that while progress has been made, we're still a long way from reaching that (...)

ILO: Progress on gender equality at work remains inadequate

جمعه 6 مارس 2015 — NewsItem, News
While there have been many achievements on gender equality since the Beijing Declaration on women rights was signed by 189 governments in 1995, many challenges remain, including a motherhood pay gap.

Debate on members’ paper on agricultural domestic support reveals diverging views

چهار شنبه 4 مارس 2015
Data on domestic support in a revised paper from a group of countries triggered a debate over the meaning of the latest trends and the implications for the agriculture negotiations, when members met in a regular, non-negotiating meeting of the Agriculture Committee on 4 March (...)

Want to tackle inequality? Shore up collective bargaining

سه شنبه 3 مارس 2015 — Article, Article
From the forums in Davos to the protests taking place on the streets: inequality is the defining challenge of our time. It hurts economic growth, denies workers their fair share and robs families of their hopes for a better future.

امضای یکی از مهم ترین تفاهم نامه های همکاری بین بخش خصوصی و دولت

دو شنبه 2 مارس 2015 — خانه صنعت معدن و تجارت
به گزارش روابط عمومی خانه صنعت، معدن و تجارت ایران، آیین امضاء یادداشت تفاهم نامه همکاری بین سازمان توسعه و نوسازی معادن و صنایع معدنی ایران و خانه صنعت،معدن و تجارت ایران برگزار گردید. در این مراسم که با حضور دکتر معراج محرابی و آرمان خالقی ، اعضای هیات مدیره خانه ایران ، معاونین و مدیران ایمیدرو و خبرنگاران رسانه های گروهی برگزار (...)

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