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ضرورت حضور نمايندگان تشكل‌هاي كارفرمايي در كار گروه رفع موانع توليد

يكشنبه 12 ژوئيه 2015 بوسيله ى محسن خليلي عراقي، رئيس هيأت مديره كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران — سخنگاه رئيس
جناب آقاي مهندس محسن خليلي عراقي رياست محترم هيأت مديره كانون عالي انجمن‌هاي صنفي كارفرمايي ايران (كعاصكا) با ارسال نامه‌اي به جناب آقاي مهندس نعمت‌زاده وزير محترم صنعت، معدن و تجارت از وي خواست تا از نمايندگان تشكل‌هاي كارفرمايي نيز براي شركت در كارگروهي كه براي رفع موانع توليد در سطح استان‌ها و در سطح كشور تشكيل شده است دعوت به عمل (...)

Stephanie Barrientos on global supply chains

جمعه 10 ژوئيه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Stephanie Barrientos, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, discusses the role of the ILO and global alliances in improving working conditions in global supply chains.

James Heintz on the role of global institutions

جمعه 10 ژوئيه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
James Heintz, University of Massachusetts, argues that multilateral institutions are still relevant when it comes to regulating decent work but may have to adapt the way in which they work and cooperate.

Damian Grimshaw on the rise of precarious work

جمعه 10 ژوئيه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Damian Grimshaw, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, discusses possible ways to overcome the concentration of precarious employment in specific sectors, including social dialogue between government and the social partners.

Blog: Regulating work in the ‘gig economy’

جمعه 10 ژوئيه 2015 — Article, Article
The digital age provides new opportunities to work in disparate locations and time zones but how can we ensure crowd-work is decent work? Senior ILO Economist Janine Berg and Technical Officer on Non-Standard Forms of Employment, Valerio De Stefano look at regulation of the ‘gig (...)

WTO members to start discussion of a possible cotton outcome in Nairobi

پنج شنبه 9 ژوئيه 2015
WTO members exchanged views on a possible outcome on cotton at the Nairobi Ministerial Conference to be held in December, when they participated in a discussion aimed at enhancing transparency in relation to the trade aspects of cotton on 9 July. They also heard an update on the market (...)

African producers note increasing assistance in cotton sector, low prices remain a challenge

پنج شنبه 9 ژوئيه 2015
The African cotton producing countries known informally as the “Cotton-4” — Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali — welcomed at a meeting of WTO members on 9 July the recent increase in development assistance in the cotton sector. But the sector remains vulnerable, they noted, to low prices in the (...)

Video: Ruth Milkman on alternative labour groups

پنج شنبه 9 ژوئيه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Ruth Milkman, Professor of sociology at UCLA, United States, explores innovative approaches to a better protection of vulnerable workers.

Video: Paul Wolfson on minimum wages

پنج شنبه 9 ژوئيه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Paul Wolfson from the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College, USA examines the impact of minimum wages on employment and inequality.

Gerhard Bosch on employment relationships, social protection, and minimum wages

پنج شنبه 9 ژوئيه 2015 — MovingImage, Video
Gerhard Bosch, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Work and Skills at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, discusses the complex linkages between more flexible employment relationships, social protection, minimum wage setting and collective (...)

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