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General Council: Proposed agenda

دو شنبه 1 اكتبر 2012

Laos’ WTO membership terms agreed — next stop: General Council

جمعه 28 سپتامبر 2012
The terms of Laos’ WTO membership were agreed by the countries negotiating with the least-developed nation on 28 September 2012, and now go for approval by all 157 current WTO members in the General Council on 26 October.

Liechtenstein offers CHF 40,000 to WTO training for developing countries

جمعه 28 سپتامبر 2012
Liechtenstein has donated CHF 40,000 to the Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF). Liechtenstein has been a regular donor to the DDAGTF since 2002 and this new contribution brings its contribution up to CHF 360,000.

Agricultural G-20 proposals could revive negotiators’ engagement, chair says

جمعه 28 سپتامبر 2012
The Group of 20 (G-20) developing countries, an alliance in the WTO agriculture talks, presented two new proposals on 28 September 2012, described as an effort to comply with instructions from the December 2011 Ministerial Conference, to explore how to progress in the Doha Round (...)

بانك‌هاي با وجدان

جمعه 28 سپتامبر 2012 بوسيله ى گروه‌ نويسندگان , سازمان بين‌المللي كار — اخبار سِ ِ . ب ِ . ك ِ
با بروز بحران مالي جهاني در سال 2008 عملكرد مؤسسات مالي مورد توجه افكار عمومي قرار گرفت. در جامعه پيشرفته با تقسيم كار اجتماعي پيچيده، وجود مؤسساتي براي رتق و فتق امور مالي ضروري هستند اما اينكه اين مؤسسات شيره جان اقتصاد واقعي را كه ارزش افزوده توليد مي‌كند، بمكند، اصلاً منصفانه نيست. به همين خاطر، فشار براي تدوين قوانيني به منظور (...)

Panels set up on Australia’s tobacco measures and on US duties on China’s exports

جمعه 28 سپتامبر 2012
At its meeting on 28 September 2012, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) agreed to establish a panel on Australia’s measures on plain packaging of tobacco products (DS434) and another one on countervailing duty measures on exports from China to the United States (...)

EU will ask for “countermeasures” in aircraft dispute with the US

پنج شنبه 27 سپتامبر 2012
The European Union notified the WTO today, 27 September 2012, of its intention to request the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) to grant authorization “to take countermeasures” against the United States for an approximate value of US$12 billion annually (EUR 9.35 billion) because of the US failure to (...)

WTO establishes Reference Centre in Rwanda

پنج شنبه 27 سپتامبر 2012
Following an official request by Rwanda, the WTO established a new Reference Centre at the Ministry of Trade and Industry in Kigali, Rwanda, on 27 September 2012.

Day 3: Experts say trade is part of the answer in the fight against record unemployment

چهار شنبه 26 سپتامبر 2012
On the final day of Public Forum 2012, a high-level panel agreed that trade enables job creation, but jobs will not be created by trade alone. It is the role of governments to put in place the right domestic measures for job creation and income distribution. More international co-operation and (...)

Lamy: Helping developing countries remains priority but “nature of trade is changing”

سه شنبه 25 سپتامبر 2012
Director-General Pascal Lamy, in his address to the 59th session of UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Board on 25 September 2012, said that “we must remain focused on our primary objective, a goal that the WTO and UNCTAD share: to help developing countries benefit from the globalized economy.” He (...)

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